Teaching Philosophy

My philosophy about teaching is that all students are capable of learning no matter what their abilites are or what background they come from. Every student has their own unique personality and learning styles, and it is up to the teacher to get to know them and learn what teaching styles work best for each of their students and incorporate them into their lessons and teaching.


I believe in having high expectations for all students. If your expectations are low for some students, then they will never reach their potential. If we have high expectations for all of our students, there is a better chance that they will try harder and be more successful.


I also believe that a teacher's job is to make their content as engaging as possible, so that students have the opportunity to explore that area while they are being exposed. If they are not engaged, there is a good chance that they are going to overlook the content and maybe never get to experience it in a way that might interest them. This is especially important in today's society when jobs are scarce and decisions about career paths are more difficult to make for young adults.





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